10 April 2013

"Unhallow'd" by Christian X


by Christian X

it gets better
it gets better
it gets better
but, my mind
for some reason
still remains fettered

closing in space
choked by embrace
silence rules
the throne of fools

crown to the ground
body turns to soul
sound is profound
as it dissipates from whole


can no longer hold

collected anger

seething words

mean, cold heart

you get overwhelmed
then you die
who the fuck knows
what hides in the sky?

what's after die??


but, release
into peace

away from hell
broke the spell

and found


away from the belittlers
who shout at you from two feet high
to make themselves feel
good & right

the luminescence on my back
lessens lessens

as I walk like Orpheus
deep into Hades

singing until I fade
realising that all life is shade

devoid of light
into a world
where Emptiness
shynes bright

Copyright 2011